Tuesday 29 March 2011

I love


And not just for the easter eggs!
I love the weather and how everyone is instantly more cheerful when there's the slightest bit of sun. In summer we take it for granted and moan about being too hot (or is that just me?).

Friday 25 March 2011

I wish this was my office!

I'd love to work in an office like this. 
Sadly I do not.

I work in a hot, stuffy office with locks on the windows because we're extremely likely to fall out of them.

I do date processing.. or entry.. or something. 

It pays the bills and I can go to work straight from uni.

Did I mention we get free tea and coffee? 
It tastes rank.

The highlight of my week is dress down Fridays..

Please somebody give me a job in advertising.
Pretty Please?

Singapore for Lunch?

A top dog from Accenture came to my art direction class this week and gave a presentation on the media buying industry. Normally when graphs and stats are involved a small part of me dies but this was really interesting. At the risk of sounding pretentious, it's inspiring to hear someone talk about something they're clearly passionate about! He said something a long the lines of.. "I flew to Singapore last week for lunch." Mind Blowing. The furthest I went for lunch last week was the Northern Quarter. 

Wednesday 23 March 2011


YCN Glayva brief finally completed and entered today. Here's a sneak peak..

Tuesday 8 March 2011


I have recently stumbled on the illustrator Kate Sutton. Love her work, simple & quirky ideas. I'd definitely suggested checking her out.


Loving the new 7UP logo, has a retro feel to it.

7UP is nicer than sprite. Fact.

But to be fair I have no brand loyalty to Coca Cola or PepsiCo...

Friday 4 March 2011

the shame!

This is me at Wireless festival last summer... wiping my feet.. wearing espadrilles... 

If you were in the northern quarter yesterday you probably would have seen an angry faced girl whose shoes kept flying off every two seconds. It would appear I no longer have the ability to wear espadrilles. Could it be possible that in the last 8 months I have become increasingly more idiotic? I better not try flip flops.. I'll have somebodies eye out!

Thursday 3 March 2011

Facebook Vs Twitter

Cool Facebook Vs Twitter Infographic