Thursday 29 September 2011

Good news

I have just had my second placement confirmed & I start next week!
& I'll be writing about my placement at Dinosaur when I finish tomorrow. 

The inside of my head looks like...

Paper cuts

Some seriously awesome origami..

It really is all about Vans

Sunday 18 September 2011


It's never just one drink is it

Friday 16 September 2011


it's London fashion week! 

I wish I was down in London town. 
Not to worry I'm sure I'll be attending in a couple of years. 

Thursday 15 September 2011

Planning my attack

on the trafford centre this weekend. 

Yes I should probably use my pay to clear some of my overdraft.. but I start my placement on Monday & a girl has got to look fresh.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

hold the cornflakes

To promote Contagion - a new film about a deadly disease outbreak. Warner Bros have gone that extra step and got an ad agency to create billboards out of mold and fungus so overtime it would form the title of the film. I'd love to have been the person that came up with that one! 

Reminds me of all the empty, moldy beer bottles we had in my 2nd year uni house. Grim.

Let's get lost somewhere beautiful..

Just a glimpse at the creative side of my dissertation. I'll bang it all on my website soon :) 

Tuesday 13 September 2011


I've just received two t-shirts I ordered from Kate Morross & I'm too fat for one of them.

The falaffel burger & chips that I just devoured for my lunch doesn't seem like such a good idea now.  

The day has finally arrived

that I hand in my dissertation! Ok it was yesterday.. but still.

Words cannot describe how happy I felt handing those 18000 words in. 

I intend to have a relaxing week, no stress, no nearly having a heart attack because the idiots at Manchester Uni didn't bind my dissertation properly. True story.

I start my placement at Dinosaur on Monday & then hopefully at Reading Room after that. I'm really excited & hopefully everything will be chipper in the near future. 

Monday 12 September 2011

time for bed

I've decided to change my typeface to Georgia because although I'm in the ad business and we're all supposed to BUM Helvetica I'm fucking bored of it. 

I think Me and Georgia are going to have a wonderful relationship.

On that note it's time for bed & almost time for my dissertation hand in. 


its past 2am!

tea, tarts & tyranny

Is an event I just made up for a campaign.
Does it even make sense?
Would anybody want tyranny with their tart not to mention tea?

I bloody hope they do.

Saturday 10 September 2011

Welcome to 2011

Blogger has finally decided to release an iPhone app.. it's long overdue! Although it would happen JUST as I get the internet in my flat wouldn't it. Sleek new design & a smartphone app.. could it be that Blogger is finally trying to catch up with Wordpress & Tumblr?

Saturday 3 September 2011

Friday 2 September 2011

I'm a bit in love

with this sexy cabinet by Charlie Crowther-Smith and Christian Taylor.
It would look lovely in my flat. If somebody wants to buy me an early Christmas present then feel free.